Apply Trademark Registration

10,000+ Trademark Registered

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Trademark Registration Process

TM Search Result in 24 Hours

Thorough TM search by our experts

1 - 2 Days Process

TM application filing & start using TM

0 - 9 Months Period

TM registration certificate (upon approval)

What can be Trademarked


A product mark is a label or symbol that helps identify one specific product. It's used to make sure there's no copying of the product and to protect its category.


A service mark helps tell one company's services apart from another's, unlike a trademark which does the same for products. Service marks are for things you can't touch, like services.


Shape marks fall under a category called Trade Dress. This means that besides logos, labels, and other recognizable symbols, a product can also be recognized by its packaging.


A pattern is like a design that keeps repeating. When it comes to trademarks, a pattern is a special kind that helps tell one brand's products or services apart from another's.


A device is a picture, drawing, or symbol you print or paint. It doesn't have any letters, words, or numbers in it.


A word mark is simply the written name of a company or product used for branding. It's all about the text, unlike a logo, which is a picture or symbol.

Trademark Fees

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Trademark Individuals


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+Govt. Fee

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Trademark MSME


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+Govt. Fee

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Trademark Company


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+Govt. Fee

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What is Trademark Registration ?

A trademark serves as the distinctive emblem of your product or service, setting it apart in a crowded marketplace. It encompasses various forms of expression: a logo, a slogan, a word, even a particular sound, smell, or combination of colors and graphics. While many businesses prioritize the registration of their logos or names, any unique element that represents your brand can benefit from trademark protection.

If you’ve conceived of a novel idea or design, safeguarding it as your exclusive identity necessitates trademark registration. By officially registering your trademark, you establish legal ownership over it, granting your business valuable intellectual property rights. This registration essentially serves as a shield, safeguarding the investments your company has made in developing and promoting its logo or brand.Beyond merely symbolizing your product or service, a trademark becomes a cornerstone of your brand’s identity.It’s the visual cue that consumers associate with your offerings, instilling trust and recognition.

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Documents Required for Trademark Registration

For Individuals

For Companies / Firms/ NGO's

Trademark Registration Benefits

Guards the Commercial Goodwill: A trademark’s registered owner has a right to create, establish and protect the goodwill of his/her products or services. The owner can stop other traders from using his trademark unlawfully. One can also sue the infringer for dilution of the brand name and claim damages for any infringement.

Advertises Goods and Services: Registering a trademark creates a face of the company or the goods and services. This helps to distinguish and facilitate brand creation. Most of the companies find their identity via trademark hence it pays a pivotal role in advertising and increases the brand value.

Legal Protection: A registered trademark gives its owner a legal right in case of infringement. Not registering a trademark may leave the owner of the original brand name without any remedy.

Creation of an Asset: Trademark registration in India creates an intangible asset. Registered TM can be sold, assigned, franchised, or commercially contracted to bring benefits to the company or the individual proprietor.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What’s the difference between ™ and ®?

™ indicates common-law trademark rights, while ® signifies a federally registered trademark.

Can I trademark a name or logo internationally?

Yes, you can apply for international trademark protection through the Madrid System or individual country registrations.

Is Registration of Trademark Compulsory?

Registration of Trademark is not compulsory, but it is a good idea to register a trademark in every country where you offer your products or services. Registration of Trade mark provides you with the legal protection in the event of any infringement arises

Can I ® use the symbol once applied?

You may use the ® (Registered symbol) next to your trademark once your trademark is registered and registration certificate is issued. Kindly note that it is an offense, with a penalty, to falsely claim that your trademark is registered. Till the registration is obtained, you can represent your trademark along with the letters TM to indicate that you claim rights over your trademark.It is similar to a PAN Card number.DIN is to be mentioned in documents while appointing a person as a director of a company.

What is a service mark?

A service is the same as a trademark except that it identifies and distinguishes the sources of a service rather than a product.